Monday, May 20, 2024


Got my mojo back.  150 miles in the last five days.  Today's trek was 35 to Magnolia.  Yes, I have ridden that route before.  High today was 85 degrees, wind was from the SSW 15 to 20 mph. Rain was predicted but I only encountered a few sprinkles which were quite a pleasant refresher for the ride.  Back to the usual passage of semi's.  It was back to 11 and each passed with respect and no drama.  Horrah!! A construction zone was set up just outside Washburn.  It reduced traffic to one lane but the stop sign holder allowed me to pass on the inside of the cones.  He did warn me to stay clear of the equipment trucks.  The heads up wasn't necessary as I was bound to steer clear of anything that might impede my ride.  So, another great day of biking in central Illinois. Still looking forward to my first century in two years and I'm bound to do it this summer.   Stay tuned.

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