Thursday, March 19, 2020

This may be my only post about the COVID19 virus that is currently devastating many areas of the country.  As a bicyclist I can promote three positives of biking that contribute to my attempts at avoiding the deadly affliction.  In my case, it promotes social isolation.  I usually bike alone so I cannot infect anyone and cannot be infected by anyone else. (On the road if I encounter a rider coming in the opposite direction I will acknowledge with a nod of the head as a hand wave might throw off the deadly virus in their direction.  If I'm passing someone, I will ring my bell, pass them by three feet and not breath in their general direction.) Okay, those last two comments were my attempt at humor.  That's a good start.  The second positive is biking is, obviously, physical exercise.  This is especially important when self isolating.  Sedentary activities, especially at my age, or at any age for that matter, are not an option.  Gyms and other exercise centers are closed.  Biking, inside or outside, for me involves vigorous spinning usually burning between 600 to 1000 calories depending on time or distance.  And, the third positive is that it continues to re-hab my knee.  Not that everyone needs knee rehab but it is great for knees, good or bad.  I know, I know, there are other forms of self isolating exercise but this is my narrative and I'm sticking to it.  Therefore, I will encourage everyone to try a little biking to get through this dismal time in human history. More later.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

                                                                    7 mile bridge

Aha....beautiful Sunday here in central Illinois.  With the temperature over 60 degrees  it made for a great day to take a bike ride around Tazewell County.  After church and some carbo loading at Busy Corner in Goodfield I'm ready to trek thirty miles.  On the drive from Goodfield I noticed the direction and actions of several flags that dot my usual routes in the area.  Much to my disappointment and chagrin, the flags looked like the flags planted on the moon....straight and rigid.   When I arrived home I checked the weather channel and discovered the wind was from the south at 15-20 mph gusting to 30 mph.  As most of my readers know, I have biked in those conditions and one thing I can say is that it takes the fun out of biking and makes it work.  I'm retired, I don't work.  And, I do not want to put undue stress my new knee.  So, Mr. Wimp reared his ugly head and I resorted to biking on my trainer in the basement watching Cash Cab.  But, it looks like next week the temperature will be in the fifties most days.  My knee is getting better each day so I'm looking forward to getting back to my distances prior to the TKR.  Conditioning will be the next goal so I ready to get after it.  More later.