Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Road 35 miles to Magnolia.  Great day for a ride.  Weather in the low 60's, wind from the SW at 15 mph.  Usually an average of 12-15 semi's pass me.  With little to no shoulder it sometimes becomes precarious.  However, today, only 5 semi's passed and all gave me the entire lane.  To say that is unprecedented is an understatement.  Another great day to ride a bicycle some distance.  Still looking for that perfect day to ride my first century of the year.

As of a few days ago, the current CrossRoads group has begun it's journey across America.  I enjoy reading and seeing their posts on Facebook.  It so reminds me of my journey and brings back many awesome memories.  As such, for some odd reason good friend Hank "butt dialed" me last week.  We always have great conversations about how we are doing and how our families are doing.  It's always an enormous pleasure to hear from him.  

Now for an update from my "people" who live across the pond in England.  Received a call from old friend Brian who has lived near London about 10-12 years.  He calls once about every 3-4 weeks and our conversation covers a range of topics from Health to Sports teams.  Always good to hear from him.  And, the best news yet.  Wait for it......wait for it....Good friend and bicycling buddy for many distance rides in and across America, Harry is finally getting MARRIED.   Yep, you heard it here first.  Time and location have not been disclosed but I'm looking forward to the details.   More to come later.

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