Friday, July 5, 2024

 More great outside riding.  Another trip to Magnolia as well as picnic at Eureka and finally my usual 35 miler on my regular route.  I know, I know, it's about time for a tune up.  Keep putting it off and know full well it needs to be done before some type of breakdown.  It will be scheduled for next week.  The century is still in the future.  One another note, as I'm getting older body parts are starting to annoy me.  Screws that were im

planted years ago are bugging me but I am able to ride through the pain.  Ankle pain from riding with a clipped pedal goes away after awhile.  So, doubt enters my perspective as I contemplate my first century in two years.  It will be a challenge but as they say, if it were easy, everybody would do it.  As it goes, I will continue my biking until my body say's "stop it".  Hopefully, it won't be soon.  Furthermore, I need to help my granddaughter at some point to begin riding without her trainers.  I predict it won't be long. 

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