Thursday, June 20, 2024


Heat Heat Heat.  95 plus for the last week.  Not to be defeated, I repeated my 35 mile ride to Magnolia when it was 93 degrees with a 15-20 mph wind from the SW.  Was it hot?  Yep. But I tell people I have ridden in hotter weather.  My friends reminded me that I was much younger when I rode in those conditions.  I had to remind them my Europe ride three years ago was when they were in a massive heat wave and we rode in 100+ temps.  Nevertheless, it was hot and I looked forward to the air conditioned van that picked me up.  In the interim I ride on my trainer in the basement.  I might be the Goldie Locks of bikers.  "This day, it's too cold,  this day it's too hot...this day it's too windy and on and on.  Criteria for an outside ride goes like this.....wind less than 10 mph, and temps between 60 and 85.  Those conditions prevail probably less than 50 percent of the time.  I could always change the criteria especially if I were to bike earlier in the day in the summer and later in the day in the Spring and Fall.  So there it is.  I'm still wondering when my first century in two years will happen.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Two days last week were perfect for my anticipated 100 mile ride.  Last Monday the temp was a nice 70 degrees with the wind from the NW at 15-29 mph.  However, other situations happened where I was unable to do the ride.  So, last Sunday conditions were similar but church and other obligations prevented it.  I accomplished 4 days of riding outside so at least that was something.  In addition, I aggravated an old hip injury but I feel that would not substantially affect my ability to complete 100 miles.  I must now wait for conditions that will enhance my chances of completing the ride.  Unfortunately, the next week the temperature will be in the 90's and I won't do long rides under those conditions.  I will continue to wait patiently for the weather to improve and feel confidently that I will be able to complete the ride sometime this summer.  Stay tuned.