Tuesday, July 28, 2020

And this is another reason I bike.  Riding along Dee-Mack road approaching business 24 I was passed by a pick-up truck towing another older truck.  Dee-Mack is a state road but without much traffic.  Route 24 is a major east-west road between Washington and Eureka and well traveled with many speeding autos.   As I crossed 24 I looked to my right and there were the same two trucks on the side of the road . The towed truck had broken loose from its two straps and the driver was working to reattach it.  However there is no shoulder so the two were three-fourths into the driving lane.  After assessing the situation I decided to lend a hand to the driver.  He had no flashing lights on either vehicle so oncoming traffic would not be able to realize there was a problem.  So, after asking if I could assist reattaching the tow and determing he didn't need assistance I positioned my bike behind the trucks to warn on coming traffic of the situation.  I turned my rear light onto the bright mode and acted like a traffic cop motioning cars to slow down and stopping them when there were cars in the opposite lane.  The good news is there were no further mishaps and when the driver finally was able to drive off I was glad I was there to help. It could have been disastrous. You just never know.  Another good deed done by a biker.  Later.

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