Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Here we go again.  After a weekend without any time on the bike as a result of how busy I was during my birthday celebration, I rode outside the last two days.  But, it looks like the next two days are going to be a repeat of last years fires in Canada.  The air quality then was so bad I could actually taste the air so I had to resort to biking on my trainer in the basement.  Predictions for the coming days are level 2 as a result of the fires in California smoking up every thing to the east.   While that is not the worst level, it can become problematic for older people that exercise outdoors.  That's me.  Can't do anything about it so it's back to the basement.  When there is extended good weather, often, I will take a shorter ride to Eureka lake and do lunch with the lovely Veronica.  Hopefully it all clears up soon so I can get back to my regular rides.  Later

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