Tuesday, November 3, 2009

So, with a bit of difficulty, due to my limited technical abilities, here is the video that I shared with the people to whom I gave presentations. This was part of the "short" program. The attendees really enjoyed it. While it is Walker centered all of the riders are present at some point, either in group photos or individual pictures. I hope you enjoy it and please give me some feedback. To give credit where credit is due, local photographers, and two of the best in the area, Kevin May and Rich Burk produced this video. This blog site would not download the video so I had to use YouTube. However, the original music, "Takin Care of Business" that accompanied the video was not allowed by YouTube because of copyright infringement. So, the accompanying music was a substitute but after adding it, and with wife Veronica's approval, I am quite pleased with the result. Enjoy!